Monday, August 18, 2008

Mirror's Edge... subliminal patriotism?

I've been keeping tabs on Mirror's Edge for some time now with great anticipation. Perhaps it will be as fantastic as it looks, (I hope), or perhaps not. There is on thing that has been nagging me
and I've finally figured it out. As a red-blooded American, (born in Germany and currently living in Canada, but still AMERICAN DANGIT), I've come to the conclusion that Mirror's Edge is subliminally promoting the good 'ol U.S. of A.

Just check out these images and tell me that you don't want to bust out singing the Star-Spangled Banner.

It's the red, white and blue, baby!
Then again, maybe it's supposed to be French... or Russian..... nah.

*Mirror's Edge is set for release on PC, Xbox 360 and PS3 in November 2008.

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