Upon signing up for the game, I was asked to create a character and assign that character to either the Royals (Allies) or the Nationals (Germans). I also had to decide whether I wanted him to be a gunner, soldier or commando. I chose the Nationals because I like the scowl permanently painted on their faces and the soldier class because it looked the most well rounded. Characters are permanently linked to the chosen team and class but will gain experience which grants new levels and new abilities. If you've played Call of Duty 4, Team Fortress 2 or any RPG ever, this system is extremely familiar. At first the options for my character seemed terribly limited, but once I started gaining abilities like flaming bullets, blasting strike and my personal favorite, grenade spamming, I found that this game is a bit deeper that it seems on the surface. Up to four characters are allowed on each account, so should I want to try playing on the Royal Army I can simply create another character.
Once I was satisfied with my Teutonic warrior I was anxious to dive straight into a match, foregoing the optional tutorial mission, but I found that there aren't any server lists or matchmaking options. This game, (at least in the beta form), runs entirely on one-button matchmaking. I clicked a big yellow "PLAY NOW" button and the game found a match and plunked me straight into the fight. This system seems to work fairly well as there is only one gametype and only a few maps in the rotation. Once in the match, I noticed that B:H diverges from previous Battlefield games in a few subtle ways. For one thing, the ability to choose any friendly occupied spawnpoint is gone. Players are spawned at the point that the game determines is nearest to the action. This may sound frustrating but it seems to work alright, especially since the maps in B:H aren't remotely as colossal as those in previous Battlefields. Another change is the switch to third person point of view. This change isn't as striking as you might realize, in fact I played through three full-length matches before it dawned on me that I was using the third person camera to peak around corners.
A change that isn't quite so subtle is the art style. The developers forewent super high-poly models, self-shadowing, advanced physics and all the other "good stuff" we're familiar with seeing in most modern shooters and instead adopted a whimsical pastel-colored Saturday morning cartoon art style. Gone are gritty, war-torn battlefields and in their place are saccharine but charming playgrounds that would be ideal for playing army-men. I could talk about the look of the game for hours and how much I love it, but instead just take a look at the screenshots and keep in mind that this game can run on a single-core 1Ghz processor with 512Mb of RAM. I even tried the game on my three-year-old Dell laptop and I never saw a drop in framerate.
When it comes to gameplay, Battlefield Heroes is exactly what you would expect. If you've ever played a first or third-person shooter before, you can expect to jump right in and instantly be at home. The learning curve is virtually flat for anyone who plays PC games and not very steep for anyone else. The controls are intuitive and objectives are clearly marked. The only issue I had was one inherited from previous Battlefield games and that was vehicle controls. The vehicle controls in B:H are virtually identical to the rest of the series, which means that for those who aren't already familiar the cars, tanks and especially planes will take a lot of practice to control with precision. This design decision is a necessity though; if flight controls were too arcade-like, the airplanes would completely own the map.
My only worry is that Battlefield Heroes could become too boring too fast unless the final version adds more variety. While the maps look fantastic they are all too similar visually. As levels for Quake were all saturated with the color brown, levels in the Battlefield Heroes Beta are all saturated with green and yellow. The addition of maps set at night, in the desert, in the snow or just about anything to change up the scenery would be a welcome addition. Still, for a beta of a free-to-play game that could easily be sold for $30-50, it's hard to complain.
1 comment:
I was really looking forward for this game, only to be very dissapointed.
1. At the start of the game your character can only equip 3 types of clothing, not what i expected after watching the trailers.
2.teams are very unbalanced at times. I remmember just getting into a battlefield to be blown away by 3 enemy tanks who were camping the base ( where you respawn, thats bullshit i know)
3.the items that you can buy, only last for 7 days and they suck. I really hoped some things would be free to keep. Almost every item can only be purchased by Battle funds ( real money converted into battle funds) and even that doesnt last forever.
4.The commando's are really overpowered. Not only do they turn invisible until they strike you, but they excell at close combat and long combat. Firing a sniper rifle 5 times in less then 3 seconds. I know this is a cartoon shooter but this is just plain stupid.
5. Laggy games turned fun into frustration. Sometimes the game would become so laggy that whole servers becomes unplayable.
6.Worst community ive ever seen.foul-mouthed immature dickheads who keep spamming the chat and acting like they rule the world. Yeah i know , its pathetic.
I dont think ill be playing BFH for some time now. Biggest dissapointment ive had in years. Even tho this is supposed to be beta, it sucks.
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