-The screens just lit up with a montage, as Mario would say, "here we go!"
-Heeeeere's Cammy, Dunaway that is
-She's talking about how everyone in the auditorium is involved in video games
-This woman's a robot
-She's talking about how big the video game industry is and how its growth is due to targeting non-gamers
-She says Nintendo is trying to grow their audience by attempting to 'create, surprise'
-She says that Nintendo will bring complete innovation and smaller surprises
-Sounds like it's time to start talking games
-A montage of Mario games past is showing, looks like we've got a new mario game coming
-Cammy says everyone remembers Mario's move to 3d, but they haven't yet figured out how to move Mario into the 4th dimension, whatever that means
-"For the past 15 years Mr. Miyamoto has been thinking about one new way to let you play a Mario game that's never been possible before"
-The answer is "New Super Mario Bros for Wii"
-Here's Bill Trinen from the Treehouse group
-New SMB will be more than just more levels, enemies and items, it's also more players
-It looks like New SMB for DS but with four players simultaneously and prize blocks give out an item for each player
-New item: The propellor suit, waggling the Wiimote will launch you into the air
-The screen pans in and out based on proximity of players, sort of like Bionic Commando Rearmed
-Players are ranked at the end of each level
-Not sure how they can label it "never before possible," this could have been made on the N64. Regardless I can't wait to play it
-They're done demoing
-It will be available Holiday season 2009
-Cammy's moving on to Wii Fit now
-Wii Fit has been the best selling videogame in america and around the world over the past 13 months, she says
-She says the balance board is being considered a platform due to its large install base
-Nintendo has been looking at how to make Wii Fit better and more beneficial
-The result is Wii Fit Plus
-It is "something for everyone"
-You can be your "own personal trainer"
-6 new excercises
-WF Plus will be better with targeting specific areas and will monitor burned calories
-New 'fun' activities will include juggling, skateboarding and a game that will involve platform jumping and dodging obstacles
-Wii Fit Plus will be available Fall '09 and can be purchased with a balance board or seperately
-Here comes the Regginator, Reggie Fils-Aime
-He says Nintendo havs become part of mainstream culture
-the primary driving force is 'interface,' with the Wiimote, then the nunchuck, then the balance board
-I think Reggie is a robot too
-Reggie is talking about the Wii Motion Plus, (WMP), now
-Time for a video montage of WMP goodness
-The video is showing off the WMP controlling minigames in Wii Sports Resort, stuff we saw at last year's E3
-Reggie is bring
ing out Bill Trinen to demo the WMP and Wii Sports Resort
-He's showing off the intro to Wii Sports Resort, apparently it will involve skydiving
-The controller is moving the skydiver in true 1:1, it looks pretty basic but it's a slick intro for the game
-The parachute opens and Wii Sports Resort is printed on the top
-Time to see archery
-The bow is controller by holding the Wiimote/WMP as the bow shaft and pulling the nunchuck back like a bowstring
-It looks fun and intuitive
-Trinen is bringing Reggie back out for a 3-point basketball contest
-Reggie: "I hope you shoot baskets better than you shoot arrows"
-Awkward banter ensues, scattered nervous laughter in the audience
-They're starting to shoot now
-They use the controller to reach down and pick up the ball, then shoot
-The player moves around the 3-point line and shoots from different angles
-Reggie wins and Trinen leaves the stage
-Reggie is talking about third party support for WMP
-Tiger Woods 10 will incorporate and be sold with WMP
-Grand Slam Tennis and Virtua Tennis 2009 will both include WMP support
-Reggie says now you can suck in-game as bad as you do in real life
-Red Steel 2 will be only playable with WMP, no gameplay shown
-More third party games were sold for Wii and DS last year than other platforms
-Reggie's talking about RPGs now
-An exclusive open-world RPG for Wii from Square Enix
-Video is playing, looks like a new Crystal Chronicles
-Yep, FF: Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers
-Now we're seeing video of a new Kingdom Hearts on Wii
-If you've seen or played Kingdom Hearts before, there aren't any suprises here
-Reggie is talking about Bowser now
-Showing a video of Mario and Luigi: Bowsers Inside Story, the art looks like the previous games
-Mario and Luigi play on the inside of Bowser on the bottom screen and Bowser is shown on the top screen
-It will be available in NA and Europe Fall 2009
-Reggie's teasing another RPG
-Golden Sun DS! A video is being shown
-They managed to capture the look of Golden Sun in 3D and it looks spectacular on DS
-Nice spell effects
-Cammy is back
-She's talking about how DS is a great place for third parties due to the install base of over 100 million
-The large install base allows developers to take chances
-Segue to James Patterson's Women's Murder Club: Games of Passion for DS
-It looks like Pheonix Wright with puzzle games mixed in gameplay-wise
-Now she's talking about a new gritty game
-Cop: The Recruit for DS by Ubisoft
-Gameplay wise looks like GTA III, but squeezed onto DS
-Time for a fashion game
-"Style Savvy" for DS, aimed at pre-teens to 20-somethings
-Cammy: "Nintendo DS = diversity"
-Talking about DSi now
-They're showing a video of people talking about the DSi, seems pretty canned
-Cammy says the DSi complements the DS lite due to the different features
-DSi has sold 2 million units in the past 2 months, DS lite has sold 400,000
-She's showing off Moving Memo now, now it will be called Flipnotes Studio and be available in the US this summer
-Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Minis March Again will include a level creator and will be available through DSiWare on June 8th
-Levels will be sharable with other game owners
-WarioWare: DiY will allow players to create their own microgames through an in-depth creation tool
-Player-made microgames will be sharable
-DSi will be able to upload images directly to facebook
-Time to talk about Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks
-What the hell, she moved on without showing it!?!
-Time for another video montage, there doesn't seem to be any point to it
-Cammy just swapped with Satoru Iwata
-I think he was born smug
-Nintendo splits people into three groups, active gamers, people who will never play, and people who might play
-Nintendo targets the maybes
-295 million people actively play games, he says
-149 million people say they might be interested in getting involved
-This all sounds incredibly scientific
-The nintendo goal is to create games that can satisfy every kind of game player even though skill levels and experiences are widely varied
-"making it harder for newcomers to join is dangerous"
-lowering the bar will not satisfy skilled players
-Iwata uses examples like Donkey Kong and Space Invaders to illustrate games that appeal to new gamers and skilled gamers
-He says Mario Kart Wii was a game like this and Wii Sports Resort and New Super Mario Bros Wii will be as well
-Iwata rhetorically asks what is next after Brain Age and Wii Fit?
-What the hell is this?
-He just announced that the next big thing is the "Wii Vitality Sensor," a clip for your finger, like you see at a doctors office that will monitor heart rate and other vitals
-I'm tempted to think this is a joke but he sounds serious, auditorium is pin-drop silent
-Iwata says it will help people relax
-Now Iwata is leaving, still looking smug
-Cammy is back, talking about Mario again
-A new 3D mario for Wii
-Time for another video
-It's another Mario Galaxy!
-Looks like there's some interesting new gameplay in this one, including Yoshi
-Super Mario Galaxy 2, no release date mentioned
-Reggie is back, he says he hears people in the blogs talking about wanting more
-He says there will be new, edgier games coming out as well for Wii
-He's showing a trailer of the Conduit, it looks promising, comes out in three weeks
-Now he's talking about Resident Evil: Darkside Chronicles
-A trailer is showing, visuals are remeniscent of RE4, but an on-rails shooter
-It must be time for Dead Space: Extraction
-Yep, showing a trailer, it's graphically pretty impressive for a Wii game
-Reggie is teasing a new, edgier Nintendo developed game
-He says they brought in a traditionally mature developer to help
-Team Ninja? Yeah it's the Team Ninja logo
-It's something in space
-WHOA it's Samus, a new metroid!
-This is the best looking game graphically I've seen on Wii
-It looks like there's some side-scrolling and some third person action
-Metroid: The Other M, it will take players deeper into Samus' story and the Metroid universe
-Reggie's reiterating the conference bullet points now, looks like we're at the end!
GWJ Conference Call 938
5 months ago
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