The Spec Ops series isn't one known for quality. Released at budget prices for the Playstation 2 in the late 90s and early 2000s, the Spec Ops games were moderately enjoyable but the gameplay was stiff and unoriginal. Hopefully gamers forget about all that when Spec Ops: The Line arrives on store shelves in late 2010 because based on the short trailer that was aired at the Spike VGAs and the little other information I've heard about it, it could be a classic in the making.
Spec Ops: The Line is set in Dubai after a series of devastating sandstorms and the scenery is barren and intense. The plot has you playing as a soldier sent in after a crazed army colonel named John Konrad. That's right, like Apocalypse Now, this is a re-imagining of Joseph Conrad's 'The Heart of Darkness,' but with Dubai taking the place of Apocalypse's Vietnam and Darkness' Africa. The gameplay looks like like a third person shooter with a Gears of War/Rainbow Six Vegas style cover system.
Debut Trailer
Extended Trailer
GWJ Conference Call 938
5 months ago
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