When I first played Resident Evil, (the original) I understood why it was termed a "survival/horror" game. I stayed up late many nights with my room illuminated only by the flickering glow of the TV playing that game. I remember not playing with a specific goal in mind so much as desperately trying to keep my intrepid characters Chris Redfield and Jill 'master of lockpicking' Valentine from suffering one form of horrific death or another. I also remember being generally scared shitless.
Since Resident Evil, I've played a lot of good, (and bad), survival horror games, but none that motivated me to move forward in the game and play to the best of my ability simply because I was scared to death of dying. Earlier today I watched a video of a boss battle from the upcoming "Dead Space" and it looks as though I might have just that sort of experience to look forward to again. In watching the boss dispatch the intrepid space engineer, I've found that maybe I'm not quite as inured to violence as I had thought and that empathy, even for a fictional video game character, can be a hell of a motivation.
Check out the video at GameCinemaHD
CAUTION: this video contains a minor boss battle and some people may consider it as a spoiler, though it doesn't contain any plot points. Also it is extremely violent.
On a completely different note; an article about how EA's DRM methods are further motivating game pirates. It's an worthwhile read.
GWJ Conference Call 938
5 months ago
It certainly does look like it's worth a play. EA may just have a great new franchise on their hands but, either way, it looks like it's going to scare me shitless.
Were the Silent Hill games (besides 4) good? That's the only one I played, and didn't care for it.
I like the DRM article too! Great post! It's a scary glimpse into the future...
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