I just beat Mirror's Edge on the hard difficulty. I actually found it easier than my original playthrough on normal, largely because I almost always knew where to go next. What a fantastic game Mirror's Edge is, the more I play it the more I'm willing to look past the issues and shortfalls and wrap myself up in the bliss that is Mirror's Edge gameplay. Despite the fairly linear levels, the sense of speed and freedom is a nice break from stop and go shooters like Gears of War, Modern Warfare and Halo where brief gunfights are broken up with constant hiding, healing and regrouping. If you haven't tried Mirror's Edge, you owe yourself to find a copy and give it a go, I'm sure it must be inexpensive by now.
Here's my updated progress:
Halo 3: Legendary difficulty in solo mode
Rainbow Six Vegas: Realistic Difficulty in solo mode
Rainbow Six Vegas 2: Realistic difficulty in solo mode
Gears of War: Insane difficulty in solo mode
Gears of War 2: Insane difficulty in solo mode
Mirror's Edge: Hard difficulty
Halo 3 ODST: Legendary difficulty in solo mode
-15% complete
Mass Effect 2: Insanity difficulty
-approx. halfway with vanguard (tip: vanguard is unbalanced and weak on high difficulty)
Assassin's Creed: 100% complete
-Templars, Jerusalem flags and Damascus Flags still needed
Project Gotham Racing 4: Receive a platinum medal in every arcade event
-approx. 20% complete
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